Judging by my calendar you wouldn’t think I had much to do today. But the calendar is misleading. We have been wrapped up in unforeseen circumstances all day. Largely the buzz has centred around the negotiation of the sale of my mother’s house. We have been in constant communication with our Realtor. A small wrinkle – a peccadillo really – arose which thankfully we were able to subdue with minimal vexation. It was one of those emotionally charged items which, if the Parties were to have become entrenched, would have threatened to contaminate the entire transaction. We were to our mutual credit able to rise above it. Apart from waiting for the consequent procedural matters to unfold we seem headed in the right direction.
The second jolt in my day was a saccharin message from friend with whom I have what is proving to be a strained relationship. Without making the mistake of engaging in caustic remarks, it is sadly a feature of many of my so-called friendships that they are turning sour. It is quite possibly the result of my own recent changes that the disintegration has transpired but it still leaves me cold. I am increasingly disinclined to favour humanity as a whole. I find I am freely critical of others whenever the slightest provocation moves me. Without the commercial motive, my manners are far less guarded.
The final surprise was a revolt by my mother. When we informed her that her prized crystal chandeliers had been dismantled and delivered to my sister’s house for safe-keeping, mother got it into her head that the act represented a unilateral interference by us without her prior consent (notwithstanding that she had previously made it abundantly clear that the fixtures were excluded from the house sale). This exceedingly annoying insurgency prompted me to delineate in no uncertain terms the many reasons for the qualification of the list price of the house. A shouting match ensued between us along with some very hot words on my part especially. Years of my having submitted to my mother’s ridiculous protestations brought the house down around her today. I no longer have either the patience or the inclination to suffer her doltishness. She continued nonetheless to display and magnify her presumption of superiority and deference, both of which I challenged with equal vigour. More than ever I am convinced that she is lapsing into the piteous state of dementia and her opinion on anything is to be neither trusted nor acted upon.
Even though these confrontations leave their scars and wear me down, I am nonetheless determined to put them aside. By casting aside the human race as a whole I am much less restrained in embracing my own company and interests. There is so much about my private affairs that enthrals me that I am not prepared to compromise for the sake of etiquette. I have adopted a diminished view of the necessity to keep what should be discarded. Perhaps my historical sense of allegiance was a mere deceit. Now I could care less about its characterization. Time is running out and I haven’t the desire to burn it up wastefully. The frozen truth is that I have never been happier (and that includes the strength of character to leave the rubbish in my wake). The two of us have yet much to accomplish and we are quite content to dedicate ourselves to that task. As for the rest, Spare me!