Many young people are better educated than their parents. Education combined with empathy is enforcing a new trend, an awakening of the woke generation.
having or marked by an active awareness of systemic injustices and prejudices, especially those involving the treatment of ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities;
disparaging of or relating to a liberal progressive orthodoxy, especially promoting inclusive policies or ideologies that welcome or embrace ethnic, racial, or sexual minorities.
Political distinctions are no longer the specious differences of left and right, communism and capitalism, government and freedom, faithless and religious, women and men, black and white, gay and straight, poor and rich. Rather the difference of the ability to understand and share the feelings of another and ignorance.
While the GOP currently suffers the greater part of the indignity associated with shallow hatred and the spurious alignment with archaic social structures, neither political party is spared the warning delivered in the November 8th midterm elections. Every politician of any stripe faces the identical challenge to accept the condition humaine which is to say a recognition of our mutuality not our differences.
It is tempting to an Olympic degree to chastise the likes of Donald J. Trump and his sycophants like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz as well as the uneducated and struggling people they pretend to represent, but the larger picture far exceeds Trump’s narcissism or Cruz’ paradox or the electors’ manipulation. The world will in due course leave them all behind. The new wheel has been discovered and it is turning. Religion for example has been turned on its head. The Vatican is scrambling to those desperate in Africa to maintain its balance but no one with any sense will deny the trend; and doing so has already proven to be a false god.
Make no mistake, the youth are not driven by either convention or falsehood. While youth like adults may differ on broad matters like foreign policy, economic policy and the like, they want the same thing as most adults; viz., opportunity, freedom from perpetual debt, safety and clean and effective infrastructure. Youth are however removed from the disabling policies currently affecting minorities.
Wake up, people!