On a magnificent day such as this it is quite impossible to resist the nescient swell of buoyancy and well-being! Even the sweeping fluffy white clouds that occasionally block the sun and momentarily darken the earth are marvellous! In addition the air is dry, the wind is mild and the tingling sunshine is golden. The burgeoning emerald corn stalks provide a luxurious labyrinth adjoining the swaying yellow wheat fields. The cornered agricultural landholdings across the flat horizon are like rising walls from beneath the sea showcasing the now archaic demarcations of the earliest settlers and land surveyors. Everything – past, present and future – is exceptionally clear!
In Ontario the earliest land survey systems presided over the lands bordering the northern shores of the Great Lakes from the late 18th century through to the present day. In the early period during the French regime settlement was discouraged in favour of the fur trade and, consequently, very little surveying was done. After the fall of Quebec, the British continúed this land survey policy until the arrival of the Loyalists during and after the American Revolution forced the opening of Ontario to settlement. The policy of the British administrations in Canada was always to survey settlement land before it was occupied by surveying farm lots within townships, a practice that continued until 1935. Surveys made during these township subdivisions were consequently used to produce the first maps of Ontario, and in many areas they remained the only detailed maps until the topographical surveying of Canada was commenced in 1904.
There is oddly a ribald character which surfaces amidst such placid submission to Nature’s Bounty, reminiscent of the historic satisfaction of appetite following a great harvest. Living plenteously is the narcotic for earthy discourse.
A Harvest festival is an annual celebration that occurs around the time of the main harvest of a given region. Given the differences in climate and crops around the world, harvest festivals can be found at various times at different places. Harvest festivals typically feature feasting, both family and public, with foods that are drawn from crops that come to maturity around the time of the festival. Ample food and freedom from the necessity to work in the fields are two central features of harvest festivals: eating, merriment, contests, music, and romance are common features of harvest festivals around the world.
The relaxation of ennui and toil has always been invigorating. It is but a near stretch to Bacchanalian pursuit. My invigoration however is naturally tempered by age. As a result I relinquish my bawdy prospects for the more efficacious and governable nourishment of language. Historically racy language was not lost on the most celebrated youth; viz., Romeo and Juliet. Language is the fermentation of the mind, the elevation of the soul.