Though we ventured to the city first thing this morning to explore Lee Valley Tools in search of its celebrated garlic press; and afterwards stopped by the Canadian Co-Operative Wool Growers Limited, Carleton Place for two of its similarly renowned real woollen socks, the balance of the day (apart from a brief interlude for the collection of fancy meat products from the Almonte Butcher) was spent primarily (that is, nearly but not quite) off-the-grid. Which is to say the remainder of the day was steadfast to the country, specifically Renfew County along the glittering Madawaska River. Our objective was two-fold; namely, Neat Coffee Shop in the hamlet of Burnstown for lunch and MacLaren Orchards further northerly along the Burnstown Road for Empire apples.
Stimulated as we were by the success of our matutinal peregrinations, and having judiciously voided our bladders before enduring the subsequent confinement to the cavern of the Cadillac, we happily tootled along Hwy#417 and the subsequent winding country roads to Burnstown. The drive was extraordinarily pleasant and scenic. The autumnal colours continue to survive to advantage in spite of the recent blustery weather. For the past several days the climate has been grey and drizzling; however today the sky broke and revealed the baby blue background beneath its billowy white clouds. As well upon the reappearance of the sun, the temperature rose sufficiently to excuse my incongruous apparel of white short pants (though the dissonance was muted by the silk scarf about my neck, a requisite defence against the odd blast of chill air). I avow the sartorial decision is prompted not by any flighty youthfulness or capricious Stoicism but rather by pure pragmatism; viz., they fit. It is a casualty of continuous inhabitance of temperate climates that one’s winter wardrobe quickly becomes inert and unchangeable. Although I have adopted a far more controlled pattern of consumption, it is a long road from obesity to a sylphlike figure. Meanwhile I seek to avoid reflective surfaces and funerals before the imperatives of confession and admission overtake.
Which brings me to the focus of this particular blog; namely, the Neat Coffee Shop where we landed for lunch conveniently shortly after noon. I say conveniently because we hadn’t been seated mere moments before the place began filling up with other customers, including another seated at the timber bar rail. But to back up, upon entering the coffee shop we were overwhelmed by the assortment of tantalizing cookies sealed in large glass cookie jars upon the heavy wooden counter. It was totally unsporting! Immediately I resolved to order the so-called “breakfast” cookie for dessert.
At table we pored over the menu. It was selective but ideal in my opinion. It helps too that we were guided by the adage, “the best sauce for any meal is an appetite”. We came prepared. Our morning nutrition was in my instance limited to a sliced apple.
I won’t unnecessarily prolong this monologue by trotting out the entirety of our gastronomic preferences except to say that everything, unequivocally, was nonpareil! It is fair to say we had both made up our minds about what we would order long before arriving at the hostelry. Nor as I say were we disappointed in the least. Au contraire the service from Amanda was delightful, helpful, prompt and enduring; the food was expertly prepared by Chef and could not possibly have been better (in addition to arriving at table as veritable works of art); and did I mention the breakfast cookie? Oh, my!
Neat Coffee Shop
Mark Enright, Prop/GM
1715 Calabogie Road
Burnstown ON K0J 1G0
(613) 433-9960