Mirror image

The mirror image of the shoreline trees upon the polished surface of the river is obstructed by an indifferent butterfly. The air is incomparably still; the sky is lucid. I luxuriate in unaccustomed reconciliation.

Passage upon life’s mutant tributaries is both happenstance and ineluctable. Within the construct of one’s corporeal and spiritual being flow the seams of resolve, fervently percolating to the surface. Subduing the constancy only drags out the inevitability of a solution.

I retreated to rancour thrice today, allowing the poisoned and prolonged accommodations to conflict like a blooming infection. Distaste, dislike, disqualification and disenchantment.

A breezy bumble bee distracts me.

Abstraction eventually translates to material consideration. How did I allow myself to get so far along this journey without either clarification or repudiation? Yet clarity has at last manifested itself in spite of my cogent irascibility.

Sociability is more than measured conduct. Removing oneself from the moorings of conflict is abrupt but vital.  I cannot sing in my chains like the sea. And yet how uplifting it is to have voiced my opinion, to have contradicted the presumption, to have restored my equilibrium.

Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog,1817, Kunsthalle Hamburg. Romantic artists during the 19th century used the epic of nature as an expression of the sublime.

For now I retreat to the privacy of my unfettered domain, rejoicing in unshackled communion with the retailer, investment detail and charitable compass of choice. The pungency of life is relieved of its stringent and interfering features. A calm is for the moment restored. The glassy image of sublimity returns.