For days I had floated in my mind the possibility of having a warmed chocolate croissant and black coffee for breakfast at Sprout Momma on Arrow Road. Each time I pictured the culinary undertaking it materialized as a civilized and moderately European enterprise befitting a cosseted though constrained morning integration. And each day it surged with vibrato. Such is the artistic strength of my fancy. In my head I argued the nutritional propriety of coffee and a sweet. Especially first thing in the morning. What, I reasoned, was a more urbane way to start a day!
At last the opportunity to fulfill the yearning arrived this morning, a clear, cool, brilliantly sunny morning. The ocean positively glittered. I gathered myself accordingly in preparation for the much anticipated gold diggers outing. First however we interrupted our primary agenda by resolving to complete a bit of grocery shopping on the way to our destination. Then, we added, to collect documentation from our estate agent also along the way. And finally, while in the neighbourhood, to run quickly through the car wash (the pollen at this time of year is unimaginable).
The car wash was closed because of a power outage affecting the entire island. But the other stops along the way were completed as intended. Finally we parked in front of Sprout Momma on Arrow Road. It was by this time much later than the moment we had begun our adventure earlier in the morning. Indeed it was after 11:00 am and we knew the restaurant menu had shifted from breakfast to luncheon. But of course there would be chocolate croissant in the bakery counter. And always black coffee.
All of which was true. Regrettably however in my impenetrable enthusiasm (and apparently my rising edacity) I made the gastronomic and psychical mistake of ordering as well a soup and sandwich. And then afterwards a cheesecake for dessert just to ensure my pillage hadn’t gone amiss. I needn’t tell you – way too much!
As though to punish my gluttony – and seemingly as a metaphoric illustration of its excess – when we returned to the apartment the sun had already reached the western sky and was shining blindly into our own western limit. I attempted to assuage my overindulgence by dissolving into the deck chair on the balcony facing directly into the blazing sunshine. It too was more than enough. My morning apparel of silken scarf and heavy sweater was beyond what was required in the current atmosphere. It was necessary to remove myself from my perch and find some other way to resolve my dilemma of wolfishness. Of course, nothing worked. It was a consequence only to be relieved by cessation and withdrawal. The Spartan regime.