North Atlantic breeze

The Northwesterly gusts through the open patio door off the master bedroom this morning revived whatever trace of somnolence remained after our 4-day journey here and a fulfilling meal late yesterday afternoon at the Salty Dog in nearby South Beach.

After performing all the matutinal rituals we deftly instituted our first full day on the island by frequenting Low Country Produce & Market Café where we devoured a fruit and granola bowl followed by avocado toast with black coffee.

Then normal behaviour was interrupted with the purchase of a painting which caught my eye but which traditionally I would have avoided because the subtropical themes seldom complement a northern gallery. This particular oil on canvas (a local marsh scene) is however projected to be muted enough and sufficiently tolerable after extricated from its brown paper wrapping and hung at home.

i have yet today to accomplish the goal of my ambition; that is, bicycling. The rental bike is presently stationed and locked on the rack at South Beach Club whence I propose (after this morning’s grocery shopping) to experiment with a 1-gear bicycle without hand brakes. It constitutes a decline to childhood custom and may thus exact a degree of recognition and recovery. The worst that is predictable is an embarrassment of inadequacy; physical peril is limited. Emotional and spiritual dimension is by contrast incalculable!