It is indisputable. Lately we’ve endured our share of angst. And while for my part I’d like to lay the blame smartly on something complicated, I have nothing other than a left knee replacement to solemnize the complaint. In any event it matters not whence one’s perturbation derives. Nor equally may it matter by what means the malady dissipates.
Our latest diversion is cruising. Specifically with Regent Cruise Line. Yet in spite of its tropical enchantment we are far beneath reaching a pinnacle of certainty about any one of its many temptations. Significantly it is the first of our newly acquired options which has noticeably ignited the corporate glance. Even though we are in July we are already precipitously close to the requisite booking date for anything anywhere. People’s plans fill up fast for these 700 approximate cabins.
Meanwhile we’ve lapsed into an uncommonly domestic bent which surprisingly to me has succeeded to dissolve our recently blunted travel plans. Perhaps I was just reeling from a blunt hit to the head. No doubt much of the hidden texture for our capitulation is the natural wariness for a new place; we’re only now getting close to complete absorption of our new digs. Just accepting the choice of floor covering, paint colours and hardware requires time and discernment. And every night it’s a new bed (though that peculiarity is also evaporating as the familiar and the familial begin to unite). Nonetheless I emphasize the value of “Home Sweet Home” that inexpressible quality of comfort, safety and surety.