That and getting on one’s horse and riding off in all directions are about the limits and entire account of my accomplishments today. When there’s nothing to do it’s so very hard to get it done – especially with those inevitable complications! The quip acquires moderate legitimacy only when spoken to those witnessing the officiating of a wedding. Otherwise…
I was reminded today of a wedding I witnessed over half a century ago. The ceremony was entirely without legal foundation but it wasn’t a complete ragging. As the ironic twist of the quip “Do something!” explores, there’s room for amplification. I won’t suggest my recollection of events has notable clarity but I do remember that we “Upper Canadians” were a conglomerate of stalwart personalities. Never could we four have imagined what awaited us in the years that followed. What matters, if anything at all, is that we’re all still here musing upon the ghastly subject!
Wedding Ceremony of Fiona St. Clair and David Cole
Early October, 1970
Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, NS
Officiating – Roy Hannah
Honorary Bride’s Maid and Best Man – William Chapman
My own more authentic matrimonial episode arising from the Halegonian connection is no less meaningful. I cannot but equate the two weddings, each a mockery, each an unwitting exemplification of a curious fountainhead burgeoning within us.
The unequivocal absorption of detail is to my mind the best consequence of reflection. What absurdity to pretend to omit an event by failing to recall it! It is so much more inspiring on both sides of the tale to hear its echo. I won’t for minute impute any insight into success or failings. But I admire an admission! What better nutrition for the synthesis and distillation of comprehension, the rare commodity that it is!