Getting the full picture

Many complications arise in the conduct of one’s daily ambitions. The least of them at this time of year may be, What to wear? The forecast today (Monday) is endless sunshine and glaring heat, up to 27°C and climbing progressively to Wednesday when it is anticipated to be 29°C under a cloudless iron hot sky. In fairness it dips thereafter to equal chance of sun and rain, 19°C for four days before regaining a medium expression.  For now however it is a subtropical aspect.  And I am dressed accordingly. I extracted from my universal XXL costumes a decidedly festive Hawaiian-style shirt meant to be worn untucked (an accommodation which I have always “fashioned” spares me ten pounds minimum). The inurement is naturally a deceit but the two combined speak comfort.

While fulfilling my tricycling this morning I spoke at length with Stuart who has clearly a colourful family nexus with the Province of Ontario.  He spoke about a lakeside private hunting club on former indigenous lands located north of Toronto, suggesting a feudal-type division of property ownership (complete with First Right of Refusal for the club) before overtaken by Her Majesty in right of the Province of Ontario for a public park.

Then Holly and Beatrice (who is soon to be 2 years old) enlightened me regarding on-going improvements of their Union St N property.

But it was the email from Suzanne which connected the pieces of the puzzle, uniting the tireless urging of my erstwhile physician to “Keep moving!” with which I naturally concur but not without acknowledging what is often the preponderance of persuasion to do otherwise. Though I confess the desirability of Suzanne’s many achievements I also confess my own comparative inadequacy. Nor have I any intention of escalating my target.  Mine for the time being is a complacency which I shall continue to cultivate undisturbed; which is to say, nothing. Call it fatuous if you will! Nonetheless my empty-headed preoccupations subsist. For now it is a blunt dedication to tried-and-true formula. Thus unrepentantly I give you below the uplifting monologue of the one whom I now address as Doctor!

June 3, 2024
Inbox – iCloud 11:47 AM

Hello, I recently read an article about a program that the Queensway Carleton hospital has initiated to help people become independent, both physically and mentally.  You are helping yourself with your tricycle riding in the basement garage; add a few extra steps each day on the balcony or wherever you try to walk. The main idea is to expand movement a fraction more almost every hour instead of once a day, or week.  The whole idea is to quickly free-up hospital beds. It works well. Bedridden patients are able to return home within 1 to 2 months.

Yesterday’s Fiddle Service went extremely well, everyone really enjoyed the whole programme. We had 82 people, plus our helpers, in the church; the acoustics are great In St.George’s. The weather was great, so some long tables were set up outside Grace hall, with tent covers. The food looked amazing, there wasn’t much left! I just took my usual cheese sandwich!

We had people come from Ottawa, Perth, Maberly and the surrounding area. We all met people we hadn’t seen for a long time. While eating my plain sandwich, I sat next to  Elaine Fulton, who lives on the third floor in your building.  After asking where I lived, she mentioned your name saying that is where you used to live.  End of conversation as her husband was ready to leave!

Once home I just sat on my balcony and eventually fell asleep!  Later I read more of  the April Country Life re: The Season.  There were many memories of living in London, my parents always going to Ascot, the Royal Enclosure, Henly, cricket at Lords and Polo.

The article about Stanstead House was interesting, especially its war time history. My school friend, Susan Ponsonby, used to live there; however after the war they had to stay in one of the cottages on the property, I’m glad to know it has been beautifully repaired and turned over to a private Trust.

Today I’m just staying home, maybe go for a walk.  Tomorrow Sharlene will come to help in the parking garage, one more item has to go inside the storage unit but… that cannot happen until it is properly organized, of which I’m not able.

June 4, would have been Tony’s birthday.  The years go by too quickly  nowadays!

Enjoy the sunshine.
