As the pandemic appears to be rounding the corner, many of us are by now accustomed to measure our well-being by the narrow standards of vaccination and the varying restrictive levels of retail customer service. We have for example recently negotiated our 2nd dose of Pfizer, something that affords enormous satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. And just days ago we boasted our first breakfast on the patio at the golf club. But I am still awaiting my barber to reopen. Nonetheless our private medical insurers have lately offered coverage when traveling abroad for prolonged periods in excess of 40 days. What remains however is critical for advancement out of the COVID sanctuary; namely, the opening of the Canada/US border for other than “non-essential travel”. Until then we’re like the deaf, living in a glass cage. Meanwhile we continue to investigate venues up and down the Florida Keys and within numerous barrier islands along the Gulf of Mexico.
So far we’re simply awaiting the turn of the tide so to speak. We’ve discovered that in spite of the absorption already of many vacation rental opportunities throughout the Keys, other places pop up unexpectedly on the radar for whatever reasons including properties in our preferred destinations. But we must hang on – and avoid rash booking – until all prerequisites fully align. Regarding the upcoming winter season we’ve already conditioned ourselves to whatever limitations arise including most likely a limitation of duration from six months to three. We haven’t as yet modified our prospectus to include a summer sojourn within the Province of Ontario or to the eastern seaboard for example. It is as though the erstwhile sudden expulsion from Florida mid-March, 2020 has left us feeling robbed of our southern manifestation which we first press unwittingly to fulfill unobstructed. The Tide Tables traditional Florida restaurant on Cortez was abruptly withdrawn like taking candy from a baby!
It shouldn’t cause a jolt to acknowledge the transitions we’ve all had to endure for the past year and more. Pandemics are not normal by any calculation!