It’ll be fine!

How often are you told, “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.” Today was truly one of those days. As foretold everything turned out to be just fine! But I can tell you not long after our outset this morning there was room for concern.

When we had nonchalantly started out early this morning it was all sunshine and anticipation. We were at last on our way south! The pathway was open and smooth. That is until I remembered I had forgotten the Ozempic!

Fortunately we had driven only just beyond Smiths Falls when the recollection materialized. It was a maddening intrusion in our otherwise exact scheme. While driving into the glaring sunlight on Hwy 29 South I had been contentedly eating a Granny Smith apple as my breakfast.  Apparently it put me in mind of the Ozempic. Then, bingo!  I remembered. I had forgotten the Ozempic in the ‘fridge.

In an instant our vacation to South Carolina reversed. We silently drove back home and collected the newly acquired prescription drug.  Our plan was off by 90 minutes.

We then regained our momentum. It was not long afterwards that things began to happen. An email confirmed a lingering domestic mechanical issue would be addressed tomorrow in our absence.

As well we were notified that a requested automotive electrical installation would soon transpire. This in turn fomented intelligence to an interested third party with whom I gleefully shared it.

Lastly we arrived at our overnight destination in Binghamton, NY where, after filling the gas tank of the car, we proceeded immediately to a nearby beanery for an early dinner. The service and foraging were directly accomplished.

Travel throughout the day today had been basically comfortable and safe; however whilst passing over some of the higher elevations of Upstate New York we encountered long passages of frozen snow on the roads. Although the treacherous surface failed to slow the speeding traffic, there was no doubt that exceeding care was required to avoid skidding.

We’re now poised for Harrisonburg, VA tomorrow, the longest of our 3-day drive to Hilton Head Island. We have dinner reservations there tomorrow at 6:30 pm in the Ridge Room, the rooftop restaurant of the hotel overlooking the Blue Ridge mountains in the distance.

So you see, in spite of our disruptive start this morning, it all turned out to be fine. Mother was right!