Even though the extraordinarily pleasing weather today had been forecast several days ago we were nonetheless smitten from the moment of arising this morning! We immediately opened the patio door on the balcony and cranked back the windows throughout the apartment. Part of the forecast is a precipitous decline of the temperature overnight ushering in what appears to be unremittingly cool weather. We have but fleetingly escaped traditional autumnal weather.
After my shower I took a chance to telephone my erstwhile physician to invite him to join us at the golf club for breakfast. He was game! Thus with no more than thirty-five or forty minutes’ notice we had succeeded to engineer an impromptu meal overlooking the first tee! I knew we’d all be rejoicing in the glorious skies and balmy temperature!
Our foregathering – though primarily functional but riddled with gossip and pleasantries – consumed the better part of two hours before we sipped the last of our coffee and plied ourselves from the patio. The Chef told us the clubhouse closes Sunday. It is safe to say today’s visit will be our last of the season. The sous-chef, a young man from Toronto, tellingly shared with us that upon his return to home base there is as yet no employment awaiting him. It is circumstances such as these which are so unfortunate for young people especially.
Naturally we afterwards performed our routine bicycle motif on the railway right-of-way; and I drove the car to Renfrew County and back. The views were sublime!