Lighthouse Lane

Our beezer breakfast this morning at Lowcountry Produce Market & Café was interrupted – albeit at the exact moment we were preparing to leave the restaurant – by a telephone call from a singularly pleasant and accommodating representative of Bell Canada.  Last evening I had sent a fretful email to the representative (Linda – EY55318 Bell Customer Service) complaining once again about an unwarranted data charge on our account. This annoyance has I regret to say repeated annually more often than I care to recall upon our transition for the winter from Canada (Bell Canada) to the United States of America (AT&T or Telus). If it were not for my obsessiveness I am certain the trifling though nefarious charges would go entirely unnoticed. It infuriates me to dismiss out-of-hand even such petty oversight as ten or twenty dollars by a huge corporation such as Bell Canada – especially as we have had to endure this irritation year after year. Though out of a sense of judgement I attempt to diminish my preoccupation with the abuse – arguing within myself that it is of small consequence in the broader scheme of things – I cannot resist at least recording my objection.

To her credit, Linda – EY55318 Bell Customer Service (with whom we’ve become casually acquainted in an agreeable fashion) handled me well. To my dissatisfaction however she has not compromised her employer for even as little as $25 I suggested for the aggravation we’ve suffered year after year. She informed me this morning when we chatted on the telephone that she is about to retire in 3 years for which I wished her well – though pointedly while reiterating Bell Canada’s repeated petty inaccuracies as tantamount to Chinese torture.  She was unmoved.

The upshot of this fuss is that Bell Canada will make good its perversion. This, combined with an unequivocally grand day and at breakfast fresh donuts bathed in syrupy white sugar, make for an incomparable dénouement to our winter vacation on Hilton Head Island.  We leave tomorrow.

After the Lowcountry outing and the dance with Bell Canada I lingered by the pool in the early morning sunshine to bathe in its final radiation. Then I toured on my bicycle the immediate neighbourhood by Baynard Cove along Mizzenmast Lane and Windjammer Court overlooking the golf club which is every minute now increasingly in readiness for the RBC Heritage Classic PGA tournament starting Monday, April 11th. We couldn’t be happier leaving the Island in advance of the hoopla! Everywhere is evidence of the preparations – 60 courtesy BMW vehicles parked in a row; mountains of fresh flowers; endless leaf blowers and lawn mowers; barricades; parades of photo and flag standards; tents; covered entrances to the club house; telecommunication devices; and security personnel roaming throughout.

In the midst of these enterprises it is my darling – and favourite – sister’s 72nd birthday.  We spoke with her at length on the telephone, catching up and sharing intelligence. They are dining en famille this evening. The familial event lubricates our own passage from here to there. Meanwhile we increasingly revitalize our personal agenda upon arrival after a winter’s absence. And this evening we too shall be ordering in!

Upon return from my scope of Lighthouse Lane and the yacht basin we gathered what little remained to be stashed in the vehicle for the trip home – including my Tilly raffia hat which as always I hope to have occasion to wear but probably will not. Nothing remains but to zip up the last two suitcases.