The deep blue sky was remarkable throughout the entire day. We capitalized upon the June summer morning by bicycling along our customary route up Country Street to the Rae Road then along the Eighth Concession. Afterwards in our snug apartment we lingered over coffee and an ample breakfast of fresh fruit, bacon, bangers, eggs, cheese, avocado pear and homemade tabouleh. This was the calculated preamble to our calendarized late afternoon luncheon with my sister and her family in Ottawa South.
The appointed time to collect my mother (who celebrates her 89th birthday six days hence) was 2:30 p.m. and we arrived at her home dutifully as instructed. Our leisurely drive around Dow’s Lake to my sister’s home off The Driveway was cheered by blossoming flowers, boating enthusiasts and athletic runners and cyclists. All was verdant and abundant.
The household was fully in gear upon our arrival. My niece Julia was there with her boyfriend Matt and her sylph-like girlfriend Michelle, a long-time high school colleague. The younger set (who contrived to visit Ottawa this weekend from Toronto and Sarnia for a high school 10th year reunion) contributed a welcome vibrancy to what might otherwise have been a sedate enterprise. No doubt the Bloody Caesars expertly prepared by Denis contributed as well. Before long we withdrew from the sunroom where we had all been chatting furiously to the living room to watch photos of my niece’s and her boyfriend’s recent jaunt to Cuba. While the photos did nothing to distinguish themselves as an artistic expression, they nonetheless delighted the proud and adoring parents and grandparent (my mother) who watched attentively. I on the other hand privately reflected, “This is why one must never show home movies!” though naturally I too unequivocally confess the redeeming profit of the familial activity.
At table we were treated to delightful barbecued fresh salmon grâce à my brother-in-law Ed and a medley of summer salads (one of which was skilfully prepared by my niece Julia who has become an accomplished cook). The spirited table talk alighted for a moment upon the upcoming plans of Julia and Matt to venture to Los Angeles in pursuit of their acting, entertainment and writing careers. I can only imagine what titillation they must experience to fathom what is to become of their lives! As I opined to Matt it is a modern-day Christopher Columbus adventure!
We rounded out the toothsome meal with a superb homemade Swedish cream topped with strawberries and goldenberries and strong, black coffee. After retiring to the garden for a final moment of conversation in the declining afternoon sunshine we took our leave amidst hugs, kisses and best wishes!