Just a small point…

Email to Daniel Laprès
January 12, 2025

Salut, Daniel!

Thank-you for your email, much appreciated as always.

Normally I am ambitious to address the communications you send to me.  As for this particular subject of “homophobia”, I think there are some matters I should clarify. First, I “came out” when I was about 3 years old.  I was having an affair with an older man; he was 5.  I remember this because my mother had seen us in the back yard lying on top of one another.  Pointedly she asked me what we had been doing.  Of course I hadn’t any answer.  At 3 years of age, it amounted to being asked, “Why do you exist?”  As a result, I got accustomed to the continuing curiosity of my being. Subsequent existential inquiries related to the same matter, no matter the vernacular or the particularity, have been dismissed as repetitive.  I won’t say I’ve become like those offended by so-called “woke” thinking, but close. Second, my experience with others (by which I include all those whom I have known over the past 76 years) is simply this, when it comes to personal commentary on others, we invariably see in others what we see in ourselves.  It is, if you’ll forgive me for rushing this philosophic harangue, axiomatic.

In conclusion, girl talk is not my favourite. I gave up drinking alcohol over ten years ago (though I confess on occasion I still remove the top from the sherry decanter for a whiff). It is for example the reason earlier today that I absorbed myself instead in the advice of another old guy, Mr. Jean Chrétien. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for your sharing.  But I wanted you to know that the trifling investiture of some writers hasn’t a guaranteed allure from every audience.



On Jan 12, 2025, at 2:21 PM, Daniel Laprès wrote:

Is there any discussion about the homophobic nature of Musks’s addressing JT as “Girl”.


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Daniel Arthur Laprès
Avocat au Barreau de Paris
Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society (Life member)
11 boulevard Sébastopol

75001 Paris France
web site: www.lapres.net
e-mail daniel@lapres.net