Wrap it up!

At 8:20 am this morning – on the first workday of the New Year 2025 – and while still dreaming in bed I suddenly threw back the duvet and sat upright. There was a noise. It was a noise I am unaccustomed to hear so early in the day. I soon realized the disturtance emitted from my iPhone resting on the charger beside the bed. I answered.

You’ve no doubt heard about good and bad news.  Rest easy, this morning’s telephone call was good news. Immediately upon answering and hearing the mellifluous words of the telephonist I was comforted even though having been wrestled from my former soporific reverie. The telephonist has to my knowledge been answering calls judiciously for Reid Bros Motor Sales in Arnprior for years. By further compliment to the telephonist, and no doubt less artistically though more pragmatically associated, she instantly undertook the address and settlement of my routine service matters about which I had yesterday left a message. She also succeeded to arrange an appointment about two hours hence.

I wasted no time adjusting to my renewed and suddenly vitalized business vernacular. More quickly than I normally do, I tackled the usual restorative rituals of the morning from bathing to dressing (both of which – trust me – warrant a degree of merit). My partner had meanwhile kindly foreseen my habitual breakfast requisites.

As so often occurs I arrived at the dealership more quickly than I had expected. No matter, on arrival I was able to chat for a moment with Service Advisor Alex who has always afforded me the highest degree of business attention.  This morning however we lapsed for a moment into more personal matters including some details of his Christmas with his ten-month old boy Beau (which I think is the coolest name I have heard for years).

While waiting (very briefly I might add) I chanced to meet with Sales Representative Jane Dechert. I have learned over my years dealing with Jane that her word is to be trusted. Her knowledge and experience pay off. I am inclined to think that, beyond the routine knowledge that one would expect of any retailer, Jane has acquired a sensitivity to both customers and to the products being sold by Cadillac. Many of these details are likely those which bubble to the surface enigmatically but which, by prolonged retention and extension, amount to persuasive intelligence. It is more than just another word for experience. It is akin instinctive knowledge.

All of which is to say, Jane has rather buoyantly advanced the purchase of an Optiq which is Cadillac’s all new small SUV all-electric.  This of course means a jump from gasoline to electric only.

The initial discussion with Jane led to a flood of investigations on the internet, as well as correspondence with the Property Manager to address questions surrounding standard and superior electrical outlet plugs and chargers, including the possibility of Cadillac arranging its people to install a superior charger (as I understand Tesla to have done at another property in town).

This new horizon drew both of us into additional car reviews and general knowledge of the new “mechanical” reality of automobiles (including subscriptions to self-driving software). So what started as a jolt in the New Year has resulted in a most favourable subject upon which to ruminate.